At All Hallows Catholic Primary School Five Dock, all staff work collaboratively within their roles to achieve the best possible outcomes for our community.

Mr Adam Nolan
Mr Adam NolanPrincipal
I am passionate about nurturing the natural curiosity of each child to ignite their potential so that they dream big and to go out and change the world.
Miss Anita ChanDiverse Learning Coordinator
Our role as educators is to assist each child , especially those with diverse learning needs, in developing their full potential within this and the wider community.
Mrs Josephine AntoniadisCoordinator
Our role as educators is to assist each child in developing their full potential within this and the wider community.
Ms Christine Torresan
Ms Christine TorresanAssistant Principal
Encouraging students to always confidently try their best, to be the best they can be is the core purpose of teaching.
Mrs Jennifer Oakes
Mrs Jennifer OakesCoordinator
As an educational leader, I am passionate about preparing students to become innovative and curious learners.
Mrs Adriana Aloe
Mrs Adriana AloeCoordinator
Teaching gives me the opportunity to engage with children and develop their faith.
Ms Christine Brais
Ms Christine BraisReligious Education Coordinator
My faith has always been a central part of my life and identity.
Family Educator Mrs Marisa Squadrito
Physical Education Teacher Mr Christopher Mc Veigh
Music/ Drama Teacher
Italian Teacher Mrs Angela Bonfiglio
Diverse Learning Needs Coordinator Mrs Anita Chan
Diverse Learning Needs Teacher Mrs Karina Musemeci
Reading Recovery Teacher Mrs Evelyn Rushton
Teacher Mrs Monica Officer
Teacher Ms Kate Briggs
Teacher Ms Courtney Matos
Teacher Miss Graiine Doherty
Teacher Mrs Jill Messervy
Teacher Mrs Tamara Stewart-Moore
Teacher Mrs Natalia Flinn
Teacher Mrs Vanessa Boys
Teacher Miss Kathryn Valente
Teacher Mrs Adriana Aloe
Teacher Mrs Karina Hayes
Teacher Mrs Michelle Nikopoulos
Teacher Mr James Lindall
Teacher Mrs Lucy Di Camillo
Teacher Mrs Elena Macri
Teacher Miss Sara Ilacqua
Teacher Miss Carla Kazzi
Teacher Mr Jonathan Hooper
Teacher Ms Ingrid Sulzbacher
Teacher Mrs Claudia Briganti
Diverse Learning Needs Support Officer Mrs Anne Sarvaas
Diverse Learning Needs Support Officer Mrs Gina Bonaccorso
Diverse Learning Needs Support Officer Miss Amelia Astonsis
Diverse Learning Needs Support Officer Mrs Silvana Testa
Diverse Learning Needs Support Officer Mrs Maria Capezio

Mrs  Susie Alafaci

Diverse Learning Needs Support Officer Mrs Glorian Polifroni

Mrs Alicia Maldigiri

School Counsellor Ms Cindy Aguir
Secretary Mrs Erin Lopes
Ms Peta
Information Systems Officer Mr Bernard